A Modern Manor House wedding

Ben and Jillian

A Modern Manor House wedding.

After seeing just three of the photos, an over-the-shoulder friend asked me “Were you hired to cover the Annual ‘Male Models Playing Cornhole Festival’?” Almost. One of the best parts about taking wedding photography is that you get to see the happiest versions of people in some of the most beautiful places Colorado has to offer. At Ben and Jillian’s Littleton Manor Mansion wedding, this was no exception. 


In the finest taste, Jillian and her girls planned ahead for a relaxing pre-wedding that involved robes, snacks, and board games. The whole bride’s side smiling together in a large room with natural light; this was near a photographer’s dream situation. Jillian and her mother, Susan,  with the help of Christyn with We Tie the Knots, their planner and Emma Lea Floral definitely succeeded in supplanting what could have been stressful with what ended up being a pre-extension of an awesome party.


For the casual web-surfing Christmas-card level Facebook friend who happens upon this post, you’ll have to take our word for it that both a) the sunset pictured was actually the sunset experienced. You couldn’t have painted or photoshopped a better one, and b) the amount of laughter was in fact a fair representation of the amount of laughter. Two fantastic, heartfelt and comical toasts given by two fantastic friends (sister), everyone in the room was vindicated with what they already knew in that these two awesome people were making a public commitment with one another that was important enough to them to invite all of their favorite people. It just so happened that some of Ben’s people, very much resemble what you’d expect to see at the Annual Male Model Cornhole Festival, which, if it ever exists, should strongly consider consulting Jillian for location and decoration advice.




We were greatly blessed by Ben and Jillian and their families and continue to be grateful that we get to hang out with happy people being happy; especially in the presence of leather furniture and postcard sunsets.